August 3, 2017: In honor of having just passed the 6 month anniversary of the Women’s Marches, a re-airing of January 24, 2017 conversation with UCSC Professor Lisa Rofel of Anthropology and UCSC Associate Professor Felicity Amaya Schaeffer of Feminist Studies about the unprecedented Women’s Marches of Jan. 21, 2017 in Santa Cruz and Washington, DC.
August 10, 2017: Re-Airing of February 7, 2017 interview with the Electronic Frontier Foundation‘s Grassroots Advocacy Director Shahid Buttar about the extent and breadth of surveillance and the urgency of people’s resistance.
August 17, 2017: Empowering Girls & Young Women in the CA Central Coast.
An interview with Perla Pineda (Project/Program Coordinator) and Angelica Villegas (Program Facilitator) of Girls Inc of the Central Coast. We discussed the programmatic work of Girls Inc of the Central Coast in the local Santa Cruz and surrounding communities, the importance of offering gender-specific programs and services targeting girls, and about the role of empowering middle school and high school girls/young women to be confident leaders.
August 24, 2017: Yoga, Social Justice, and Body Health.
**SUB INTERVIEW** for Transformation Highway show.
An interview with Jackie Sue Powell, certified yoga instructor in Santa Cruz, California. We discussed the role yoga has played in her health and well-being. Jackie discussed her commitment to make yoga accessible, both in terms of cost and imagining yoga practices outside the studio. She spoke about her life-changing experiences teaching and learning yoga around the world, including Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Palestine. We also talked about the role yoga could play in improving the well-being of social justice activists.
August 31, 2017: Prisoners and the Right to Books. An interview with Peter Esmonde, long-time volunteer with the Prisoners Literature Project. The Prisoners Literature Project is an all volunteer, grassroots, non-profit organization that has sent books to prisoners in 49 states. We discussed how the PLP started, about the history of the books-to-prisoners movement, and the arbitrary regulations PLP navigates in trying to get books to prisoners. We also discussed the rights of incarcerated people to an education and what receiving books means to them.