January 2019

Jan 3, 2019: Global Yoga and Social Justice
Originally aired on Transformation Highway on August 24, 2017, this interview with Jackie Sue Powell, certified yoga instructor in Santa Cruz, California is about global yoga, social justice and well-being. Jackie discussed her commitment to make yoga accessible, both in terms of cost and imagining yoga practices outside the studio. She spoke about her life-changing experiences teaching and learning yoga around the world, including Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Palestine. We also talked about the role yoga could play in improving the well-being of social justice activists.

Jan. 10, 2019: Writing About Love
An interview with UC Santa Cruz Professor Micah Parks of Literature about her new book True Love and Other Dreams of Miraculous Escape (2018, Outpost 19). We discussed her unique upbringing living in a log cabin on a commune and how that sparked her creativity and love of reading and about the writing of her latest book.

Jan. 17, 2019: #IStandWithTeachers and the LASUD Strike
An interview with Theresa Montaño, Vice-President of the California Teachers Association (CTA) about the unprecedented Los Angeles Unified School District strike. Dr. Montaño has an extensive teaching career at all levels of education in California public schools. Now a professor of Chicana/Chicano Studies with an emphasis in education at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), Dr. Montaño research interests include: teacher activism; Chicana/o and Latino/a educational equity; critical multicultural education; and Bilingual/ELL education. Dr. Montaño believes that these are crucial times for public education and for CTA.

Jan. 24, 2019: Criminal Justice Reform in California
Dr. Patrick Lopez-Aguado, Assistant Professor of Sociology from Santa Clara University, is the author of Stick Together and Come Back Home: Racial Sorting and the Spillover of Carceral Identity (2018, UC Press). He discusses some of the changes to the criminal justice system in California and about his upcoming research in this subject area.

Jan. 31, 2019: WoC in Academia, Mentoring, and Migration Research

Dr. Melissa Guzman-Garcia, Assistant Professor of Latino/a Studies at San Francisco State University, discusses being a women of color/Latina faculty member in academia, about mentoring, and about her research on migration and religion.